Investing in Senegal will open doors to a land full of opportunities! Each region is rich in skilled human capital focused on the ever-evolving niche sectors of the global economy: Agriculture, Mining, Oil and gas, Manufacturing, Digital economy, Tourism, Transport, Fishing and Aquaculture.
Investing in Senegal will allow you to meet welcoming people who aim to ensure business freedom and a good quality of life!
The Invest Senegal Forum is founded on a mission to make Senegal more competitive on the international stage by promoting and organizing meetings between local economic players particularly in the private sector, and national and international investors.
“Our aim is to encourage public-private partnerships, so the Invest in Senegal Forum will be held under the auspices of APIX-S.A- Agency for the Promotion of Investment and Major Works”
H.E. Macky Sall
President of the Republic of Senegal
“This world-class event is designed to position Dakar and its new city Diamniadio as a choice African location on the international economic development stage.
This will help build a narrative that reflects the positive image of our country and the African continent that is embarking on a journey of economic and social transformation with a 2035 target.”
Dr. Abdoulaye BALDÉ
Invest In Senegal Forum
The Invest in Senegal Forum is dedicated to promoting investment opportunities available to economic players, financial and industrial partners from Africa and the rest of the world.
The Forum will feature plenary sessions, thematic panels, round tables, B2B and B2G sessions, exhibitions, visits, and excursions aimed at discovering Senegal.
Why participate in the Invest in Senegal Forum?
During the Forum, conferences, round tables, B2B and B2G sessions will be organized, providing an ideal meeting place for:
- Discover the full range of viable projects in Senegal's growing sectors.
- Meet economic decision-makers promoting economic relations in Senegal.
- Invest in a stable and open country characterized by multi-party democracy, solid institutions, recognition of political and social rights and freedom of expression.
- Participer à des rencontres B2B et B2G et développer de nouvelles relations d’affaires avec les principales parties prenantes;
- Découvrir un partenariat public privé unique en Afrique subsaharienne: une économie saine, compétitive et favorable aux affaires;
- Promouvoir les échanges sur les principes clés qui sous-tendent les investissements afin de stimuler une croissance mondiale intelligente et inclusive;
- Permettre des rencontres et des échanges autour de l’investissement.
- Prendre connaissance de l’ensemble des projets viables dans les secteurs dédiés;
- Avoir connaissance des appuis au secteur privé mis en place par l’Administration et par les différents Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) ainsi que du cadre institutionnel, réglementaire et incitatif dont dispose le Sénégal pour les affaires;
- Construire des bases solides pour assurer la réussite des projets d’envergure nationale, régionale et internationale.
- Presenter les potentialités du pays en matière d’investissement, de promouvoir son émergence économique et de mettre en valeur le rôle que peut jouer le pays en matière d’attraction des investissements directs étrangers;
- Découvrir la stratégie de développement ambitieuse du gouvernement du Sénégal avec l’appui de ressources humaines de qualité: le développement du capital humain fait partie des axes majeurs du « Plan Sénégal émergent;
- Aborder les défis de la durabilité et de l'innovation au niveau gouvernemental.
The National Agency for the Promotion of Investments and Major Works (APIX-S.A.) is an independent agency, attached to the Office of the President of the Republic of Senegal. APIX-S. A’s mandate is to ensure the development of an attractive business and investment environment for the private sector. This will thus allow for better structured and competitive companies.
APIX-S.A. is an important actor in the development of infrastructure aimed at ensuring the profitability of any productive investment in Senegal. It is thus responsible for preparing, coordinating, and monitoring the implementation of major state projects.
Global View is a communications strategy, public relations and events consulting agency based in Paris. Founded in 2011, Global View is focused on developing strategies for promotion and investment-attraction through lobbying and the organization of economic development events. Global View creates global solutions that allow its clients to reach new horizons. Global View is an international agency with subsidiaries: Opportunity in Dubai and Global View Africa in Abidjan and Dakar, who cover all of Europe and West Africa.